Fruit Bread Pudding!

So, it is not anywhere near Thanksgiving or Christmas and you still don’t want to waste leftover bread. There is yet another remedy to this kitchen crisis! This is a fast and easy dessert that is great with ice cream. Again, use a good, hearty type bread as you don’t want to end up with mush.

Fruit Bread Pudding
Approximately 4 cups cubed bread
1 cup finely chopped apple
1 small package frozen blueberries
3 well-beaten eggs
½ cup packed, brown sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla
½ cup fresh orange juice
Juice and zest of one lemon
1/4 cup brandy (optional – you can use apple juice)
1 teaspoon cinnamon

Place bread in large mixing bowl, add everything and combine well. Mixture should be very moist but not waterlogged. Add more juice, if necessary. Arrange in a buttered baking dish and bake approximately 30 minutes until golden. Tastes good hot, warm or cold. Ice cream, whipped cream, or just a dribble of heavy cream can only upgrade your creation.
Bread pudding can also be made with peaches, other berries and even canned pineapple, and such. You have to take a moment to consider your family’s tastes, the state of your budget, and your creative barometer for the day.

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