Sharing? Nanny Police Strike Again!

In my opinion, even worse than wasted taxes and stupid legislation is the intrusion of the powers that be into our personal lives especially in what we feed our children and how we prepare it. The latest victim is a 13-year old boy who was given a detention slip. Why? He shared his lunch with his friend who wasn’t happy with what he brought from home. The school claims they worry about allergies and only goodness knows what else. Obviously, they hadn’t initially sent a note home at the beginning of the school year forbidding this so why make an example of a young man who was only being kind to a pal? It is only the school that is upset as parents on both sides didn’t have a problem. As for their excuse about a possible allergy situation, at thirteen years of age, any child with severe allergies would have been educated to avoid any snacks or food other than what they brought from home. And, what a nice way to downgrade an act of kindness. More of the liberal educational system of today? I suppose the children should be happy they are even allowed to bring lunches from home and not given their quota a carrot sticks and yogurt for the day.

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