Modern Day Cat!

When I was growing up, we always had a cat or two about the house. We never had to call them for their feeding time. The minute the can opener bit into the lid, no matter where the cat was, she immediately showed up and meowed and stretched to reach the counter and the delectable cat food that was sure to be served. Unfortunately, more than cat food cans were opened i those days, so the cat had a lot of disappointments. Nevertheless, she showed up every, single time . . . in case.

I realized, this morning, that cats have grown with the times. Even as I send e-mails instead of hard-copy letters, modern times have changes the outlooks of today’s cats – pop top cans! Our cat was quick to realize the sound of a can lid being pulled off often correlated with the serving of stinky cat food. Again, as did her ancestors, it doesn’t matter if it is her can of food being opened. This morning, I had just fed the cat her bit of canned food and decided to split a can of dog food between our two dogs for a morning treat. The cat is busy  gobbling up her own food when . . . I popped the lid off the dog food. Her head jerks up, she sees the disengaged lid going into the trash, forgoes her meal in hopes of whining another morsel of something from me. I put a scrapping of the canned dog food on her plate for a taste. She sniffs it and finishes off her own food. She takes a second sniff, noticed that her food is all gone (this always seems to be a surprise to her as if she wonders who could have eaten it!), and cleans up the dog food, too.P1060440

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