Gluten-Free and It All Seems Normal!

P1060333Before we had to curtail the use of gluten in our household for my husband’s health, a favorite dinner would often be soup, salad, and two or three kinds of freshly-baked bread. I enjoyed baking and the preparation was part of the fun for me. As you can imagine, you take away the gluten, you take away the structure of bread and often the results are very un-bread-like! However, the last few years has gotten a lot of people interested in making gluten-free baking better and taking away the ‘poor me’ syndrome!

Last night, I happened upon three bread recipes that were easy and quickly accomplished. The bread had to cool until dinner so I was anxious to cut into the loaves and see if the texture was close enough to the real deal. As you can see from the picture, anyone would be hard put to realize they were eating a gluten-free product. My husband was happy to have the selection especially with the rye bread recipe. Nothing like a slice of rye slathered with butter.

In all, I made a Brioche bread, Rye bread, and plain, old white bread. I was hoping to have enough left to cube and make stuffing for a turkey breast I have in the freezer but it doesn’t look likely! I’ll take it as a compliment!

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