Wind and Fire – California’s ‘favorite’ Weather Combination!

Wind and Fire - California's 'favorite' Weather Combination!

We seem to be getting an early start on the fire season in California although most any day could see something burning somewhere in this State. Unfortunately, very little humidity, extremely strong winds, and a spark from somewhere got a blaze going nearby yesterday morning.

I was taking my son to college yesterday morning and we immediately noted smoke not far from his school. I was hoping it was a controlled burn but, as the morning went on, the news revealed that a brush fire had started in a preserve in the area. There are a lot of very nice homes, tress, and brush in that area. Naturally, the wind always shows up for a fire and the strength of it prohibited the use of water drops from the air and the firemen accessing a canyon to battle the flames which steadily grew.

As I kept up with the news, I decided to head to the college in case my son had to leave early. Just as I reached for my keys, he phones and confirmed that the college was being evacuated. I was still in my driveway when I realized my friend’s son was also at class there yesterday. I called her only to find out she was almost at the school having gotten the message sooner. I told her I’d call both boys to let them know what was going on with getting a ride home. Naturally, it was an emergency of sorts so both of them had their phones turned off. Just then, however, my son called and told me the entire road up to the college had just been closed! Back on the phone for me as I called my friend to update her. Much to my surprise, in the space of a few minutes, she had already reached the school and gotten our boys. I asked how she got past the closed road and she simply said she told them she needed to pick up her sons . . . and they let her through! My son said the minute they ordered the students to evacuate, every student car in the lots were gone leaving only about 15 students waiting for a ride.

This morning, the smoke is still in the air but the winds are much calmer and are supposed to go from 50 mph today to a lighter breeze by this evening. The thousand-plus home that were evacuated, yesterday, cleared for the families to return. Los Angeles has sent in support and we have high hopes of this getting under control. It will be a hard day for the fire fighters still as the humidity is five percent. We just pray nothing else goes up in flames so they can concentrate on this one fire.

The wind makes one weary and it’s my husband’s dream to move somewhere without a Santa Ana wind condition!

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